The AQA Combined Science Trilogy is a double award and worth two GCSEs. The content is covered in distinct Biology, Chemistry and Physics units. It is assessed by six, 1 hour and 15 minute exams. Students can be entered for Foundation or Higher tier. Each paper contains a mixture of types of exam questions: multiple choice, structured, short answer and longer written answer. Students who take combined science will study all three sciences and they’ll cover roughly two thirds of the content of the single GCSEs in biology, chemistry and physics. They will be awarded 2 GCSE grades which will consist of two equal or adjacent grades from 9 to 1, giving 17 possible grade combinations– for example, (9-9); (9-8); (8-8) through to (1-1).
By studying Combined Science, you will gain a better understanding of the world around you and this makes life much more interesting. Combined Science can lead onto many science A levels. Combined Science is also a key subject for lots of STEM Career pathways. "STEM" is an abbreviation for science, technology, medicine, engineering, and mathematics. STEM workers solve everyday problems, research and analyse data about the world around us, and use their knowledge to be doctors, dentists and research scientists, engineers, ecologists, industrial or materials chemists – the list is endless.
We work with our students at CHES to develop their confidence and gain a more cohesive, detailed understanding of the world around us. Students will also be supported to improve their exam techniques through regular supported practice. Students will study the 21 required Practicals that are part of GCSE Trilogy. This is done during normal lessons and students can attend practical sessions where students come together in small groups to carry out the required practicals.
Please be aware that some of the videos in the resources below have 'triple' after them - these are not relevant to combined science students so do not watch these.
Here is a link to some useful videos.
Reproduction, the genome and gene expression
Classification of living organisms
Here is a link to some useful videos on inheritance and variation and evolution.
Here is a link to some useful videos.
Here is a link to some useful videos.
Here is a link to some useful videos.
Here is a link to some useful videos.
Here is a link to some useful videos.
Contact and non-contact forces
Forces, acceleration and Newton's laws
Momentum - Higher only
Here is a link to some useful videos.
Transverse and longitudinal waves
Infared radiation absorption and radiation by a surface
Here is a link to some useful videos.
Here is a link to some useful videos.
Command words are the words and phrases used in exams and other assessment tasks that tell you how they should answer the question. Like the ‘orders’ or ‘instructions’ within a question. Knowing these will help you ‘decode’ the questions and know what sort of answer to write.
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